Carbon Fund Reports & Portfolio Screenings
Investing in a company also means owning that company's greenhouse gas emissions. Knowing one’s carbon footprint is the first step in evaluating hotspots that impact on the climate. With the powerful Portfolio Carbon Screening Tool by yourSRI and South Pole Carbon, investors and investment specialists alike can assess the entire greenhouse gas footprint of a fund as well as the carbon footprint of individual investment portfolios.
Understanding your investment’s climate impact enables you to:
- Manage investment risk
- Compare investment efficiencies
- Meet compliance requirements
- Assess reputation risk
- Understand the real costs of your investments
- Link greenhouse gas data to financial performance
- Align business and investment interests
- Engage with companies over their greenhouse gas emissions
Carbon Reports of Funds
Based on the fund’s portfolio holdings the methodology enables investors to break down the individual share and impact of a fund’s underlying company's greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, the entire greenhouse gas footprint of a fund’s portfolio can be calculated.
The outcome of the screening is a standardized report, showing - among many other aspects - the largest greenhouse gas contributors in the portfolio, the cost of offsetting your investment's emis-sions and the individual emissions of the companies you own.
Interested in the detailed Fund Rating Methodology? - Click here for further information
Interested in a preview? - Click here for a sample report
Carbon Portfolio Assessment
In addition to the screening on the product (fund) level, yourSRI is able to screen the greenhouse gas emissions of individual portfolios for asset managers, banks, insurance companies, institutional investors and other asset owners.
With an extensive database compromised of more than 40,000 companies, yourSRI & South Pole Carbon provides you with the most complete information on corporate emissions worldwide. Simply upload your portfolio and within minutes it provides you with a detailed overview of the carbon footprint of your investments.
The portfolio screening works best with full holdings based on equity portfolios. However, in contrast to other service providers, thanks to our unique system and issuer linkage tool the analysis is able to cope with most non-equity investments like fixed income products, depositary receipts or even sustainable investment funds resulting in a higher coverage ratio.
Why use it?
- Be Informed – Carbon exposure is a risk that can affect financial returns
- Be Protected – Optimize your investments with targeted transactions
- Be Sustainable – Help fight climate change with responsible investments
- Be Different – Offer low-carbon or climate neutral products
- Be Thorough – Use the most complete and accurate emission data available
South Pole’s Carbon Screening Services for public equity and fixed income investments covers both direct as well as indirect emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2) using a sophisticated, robust as well as proven methodology:
- Strong scientific approach
- Methodology developed over the course of 1.5 years with researchers from ETH Zurich
- Largest coverage (over 40,000 securities)
- Transparent methodology (full disclosure on model and quality of every data point)
- Most sophisticated modeling (approaching 150 industry-specific models)
Accessing the Sustainable Fundreports is easy:
To access the Carbon Reports & Portfolio Assessments, you've to buy credits. Choose the exact amount of credits you require, or choose a package. The more Credits you buy, the more money you save as we offer generous accretion of discounts. And with our range of offers, you always have enough credits at hand.
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