Climetrics Insights
Overview and analysis
New Partnership with Deloitte
Overview and analysis
Overview and analysis
Overview and analysis
Outcomes from PRI-coordinated engagement 2015-2017
Improving livelihoods and fighting desertification in Mali
Measuring how green bonds contribute to scaling up investments in green projects
Are companies’ scenario analyses meeting investors’ requirements?
Closing the Gap to a Paris-compliant EU-ETS
The growing risks from carbon pricing
How can these two powerful trends that are shaping the investment industry merge?
A Global Report on the Financing of Nuclear Weapons Producers
Quantifying the impact on European banks and green finance
This study updates our report 2 Degrees of Separation, and for the first time quantifies risk of overinvestment under a 1.75ᵒC scenario.
There are several costs associated with running coal units.In this blog we breakdown the costs associated with running coal units, by using the US as an example.
ExxonMobil’s Energy and Carbon Summary is a step in the right direction, but lacks clarity across a number of areas
Background Information and Practical and Examples for Institutional Asset Owners
Final Report 2018 by the High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, Secretariat provided by the European Commission
Our latest paper Carbon Budgets Explained, takes a look in to how and why we determine the carbon budget, and what lies beneath the different 2°C budgets published by different institutions.
Grundbedarf in Emerging Markets und nachhaltige Technologien als Wachstumstreiber
Adapting to climate change. The everyday actions of tomorrow will have a significant impact on climate change and energy consumption.
In this report, we look at how a scenario for the EU28 that is compliant with limiting the rise in global warming to below 2°C might affect the valuation of coal-fired power plants.
The Impact of Socially Responsible Investments on Companies – an Empirical Analysis
Challenges and perspectives for real estate companies with the 2030 Agenda
Monday, 11th of December, VP Bank AG, Triesen, Liechtenstein
Quantifying the alignment of Swiss pension funds and insurance with the Paris Agreement
In this paper, we look at how a scenario for oil demand that is compliant with limiting the rise in global warming by 2035 to 2°C (a “2D” scenario) might affect the oil industry’s refining assets.