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"ESG-Market Insights" for Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
Edition 2020

New ESG Market Insights - 2020: More than 8'100 mutual funds and ETFs in the asset classes equities, bonds and mixed assets were screened.

COVID-19 and ESG

COVID-19 sheds new light on the interactions between human and natural ecosystems and the vulnerability of a closely networked world. The outbreak of a global pandemic raises a profound question, especially for the valuation of companies. Is it possible to look at the global health crisis and its effects without considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors? 

Investment-Transparency is key

Investment-Transparency is key for the future, e.g. at the beginning of 2019 the new IORP II regulation (Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision) came into force, which required IORPs to take into account Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) factors. Furthermore, the ‘EU Climate Transition Benchmark’ and the ‘EU Paris-aligned Benchmark’ have been introduced. The aim of these benchmarks is to reduce greenwashing and improve transparency through further disclosure of requirements.

The answer – the cost-effective reporting solution provides the answer for the upcoming mandatory regulation requirements. The 8th edition of the "ESG Market Insights Study" from creates transparency NEW for over 8,100 funds and ETFs. Based on the tremendous interest in our last year's ESG Market Insights Study, we went ahead again with the analysis for 2020 - however, taking the increased market involvement into account, with even more data, new ESG portfolio attributes and a couple of new innovations. This year’s study screens more than 8'100 mutual funds and ETFs for their ESG characteristics: Risk, Impact and Value. The ESG investment ratings are applied to each investment fund on yourSRI on a dynamic basis and, hence, reflect up-to-date investment views. The dynamic ESG investment ratings on yourSRI detect all relevant changes, related to the portfolio structure of a fund or to the ESG ratings of the underlying issuer. This permits timely investment reporting and investment controlling.

Together with our partners we endeavour to promote and raise awareness concerning trends and issues in the field of responsible investing, aiming for greater transparency, comparability and measurability. And that's exactly the aim of this publication.


ESG-Market Insights Study - 2020 edition,
is now available for Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
Please see below to access the three reports.
(Please note: reports available in German only)



ESG-Market Insights Study - Austria (2020)

 To access or download a .pdf-version of this document, pleaseclick here (4,3 MB).
If you're interested in getting a printed copy of the report or if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to .


ESG-Market Insights Study - Germany (2020)

To access or download a .pdf-version of this document, please click here (4,1 MB).
If you're interested in getting a printed copy of the report or if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to .


ESG-Market Insights Study - Switzerland (2020)

To access or download a .pdf-version of this document, please click here(4,3 MB).
If you're interested in getting a printed copy of the report or if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to .



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