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yourSRI Transparent - About

yourSRI Transparant

„yourSRI Transparent“ is a transparency label granted to publicly traded mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the international online platform has comprehensive experience in the creation, promotion and audit of ESG & Climate transparency for financial products. Investment Funds with the yourSRI Transparent Label provide investors an independent source of information on the ESG and/ or Climate characteristics of the investment fund.

It helps investors to understand and to evaluate their allocation by bringing transparency and comparability to their investments. provides investors the possibility to dynamically track and benchmark their investments with respect to identify risks and opportunities.

As a pioneer for dynamic and independent ESG & Carbon Fund Screenings, yourSRI was launched in 2011. Based on the knowledge and experience of the following years, in 2016 yourSRI has launched an independent transparency label for funds, which provides an independent source of information on the ESG and/or Climate characteristics of the investments. The ratings, which form the basis of the label, are based on a quantitative analysis and a fully automated process combining data from Thomson Reuters/Lipper, MSCI ESG Research and the ISS-Ethix.

As a pioneer of dynamic and independent ESG & Carbon Fund Screenings, yourSRI launches its online services in 2011.

yourSRI screens more than
15.000 Billion Euros of
ESG or Carbon exposure
on a daily basis.

Dec 2016
yourSRI adds enhanced filters and introduces yourSRI Transparent as an independent transparency brand.

May 2017
yourSRI launches a
free portfolio quick-check
as well as a line of new best
practice ESG & Carbon services.

We are using a unique, fully automatic screening tool that brings together traditional financial data (Thomson Reuters/Lipper) and high value ESG- (MSCI ESG Research) as well as Carbon- (ISS-Ethix) Data. A fund's rating is constructed through a dynamic scoring methodology of the underlying holdings. The weighted average of the underlying assets is used to determine a fund’s ESG score as well as its carbon footprint. Any changes are directly reflected by the dynamic nature of the scoring methodology.